While the kimberley process implementation has been successful, there are still areas for improvement. One way to improve the initiative is to include diverse perspectives. By retaining the observer status of industry and civil society groups, the Kimberley Processes have maintained an inter-sectoral approach. This presence of critical voices gives the initiative more legitimacy.
Conflict diamonds
A multi-stakeholder initiative to stem the flow of conflict diamonds has emerged called the Kimberley Process. This certification scheme was introduced in 2003 and aims to ensure that no conflict diamonds are traded on the global market. It works by implementing safeguards on the shipments of rough diamonds. It has a number of requirements, including requiring that rough diamonds are shipped in sealed containers and must carry a Kimberley Process Certificate.
The UN defines conflict diamonds as rough diamonds that fund rebel movements. In other words, government-owned companies may be selling conflict diamonds to fund armed conflict. However, the KPCS definition excludes state-owned diamond mining companies. In some contexts, it can be difficult to determine who is funding a rebel movement.
In addition to ensuring that legitimate diamonds are not sold on the global diamond market, the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme also aims to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds. Despite the widespread use of conflict diamonds, the Kimberley Process certification scheme has been criticized by many countries for being ineffective. Some argue that the certification scheme needs to be more rigorous, and a more uniform standard would be helpful.
Kimberley Process
The Kimberly process is a certification scheme that protects the integrity and credibility of the international diamond industry. The certification scheme is administered by the Kimberley Process National Commission. Its duties include tracing and certifying rough diamonds. In 2003, Angola became a signatory to the Kimberley Process.
The Kimberley Process is a global initiative that involves participating countries, civil society observers, and the broader industry. Its goal is to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds, end the financing of violent conflict, and improve the lives of people around the world. The Kimberley Process is a great example of how industry and civil society can work together.
The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme’s board consists of a chair and vice-chairs. The chair oversees the overall operations of the program. The vice-chairs oversee specific working groups and ensure that the KPCS is a positive force in the diamond trade. The chair and vice-chair positions rotate every year. Currently, the chair is the nation that held the vice-chair position the previous year.
Certification scheme
The Kimberley Process is a global initiative involving participating countries, civil society observers, and the diamond industry. Its members meet twice a year and share information through regular exchange of data and annual reports. Its aim is to prevent the sale, trade, and financing of conflict diamonds. The Kimberley Process brings together nations, industry, and civil society to work together to protect human rights, reduce poverty, and create jobs.
The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was developed by a diverse group of actors to set minimum standards for the production and sale of diamonds. The aim of the scheme is to prevent conflict diamonds and blood diamonds from entering international markets. This certification scheme helps to ensure the source countries meet these minimum standards.
Participants are encouraged to maintain information about their activities on a computerised database. They should also provide periodic updates on information relating to their compliance with the scheme. In addition, participants should make it a point to identify and update information about areas where rebel diamond mining is taking place.
System of warranties
The World Diamond Council, the industry representative within the Kimberley Process, recently updated its web site to offer easier access to its System of Warranties guidelines. The System of Warranties is an industry self-regulation initiative that supports the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme. The WDC acts as the global hub for the Kimberley Process, a UN-mandated program designed to combat the flow of conflict diamonds.
The World Diamond Council, which represents all sectors of the diamond supply chain, has drafted the System of Warranties to enhance the effectiveness of the Kimberley Process. This system allows sellers to declare that their products are conflict-free and issue a statement to accompany the invoice. Jewellers can then tell their patrons that they will not sell conflict-diamonds.
The System of Warranties is a self-regulation system created by WDC to ensure the authenticity of diamonds. It applies to both polished and mounted diamonds. It also applies to green zones – the regions in the world where rough diamonds are legally exported.