In the past decade since the discovery of the endocannabinoid system, medical research on cannabis has blossomed into an entire scientific discipline, still young and developing. As described in Chapter 10, despite the growing number of states that have made cannabis or CBD Store, the U.S. federal government holds strict control over all research with Schedule 1 drugs.
This has limited federally sponsored science and strangled legal access to cannabis as research material—for years there was only one authorized grower of cannabis for scientific research in the entire country, the University of Mississippi. Expressing interest in cannabis experimentation used to be deemed a career killer, so there were few scientists “foolish” enough to even apply for a research grant.
In addition, only certain strains were available, and CBD-rich strains were not on the list. Because of public experimentation on a large scale, and clear medical results from individuals using this substance, a few pioneering individual scientists broke with tradition and began exploring the plant’s many potential uses and researching the biological and physiological mechanisms that influenced changes in the brain, nervous system, and body.
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Today, there are hundreds of scientists at work doing careful scientific research to discover the benefits of specific strains, doses, methods of ingestion, and their impact on specific diseases and conditions.
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